Propiedades del policarbonato | Guía imprescindible sobre materiales para PC

Vulcan Polycarbonate Sheets Material Properties Comparison Table

Understanding the Material Properties of Polycarbonates

Cuando se trata de aplicaciones industriales o de construcción moderna, las láminas de policarbonato VULCAN ofrecen una amplia gama de colores y funcionalidades para elegir, independientemente del tamaño y la forma. Combinando una fuerza increíble y resistencia al impacto para una seguridad adicional más protección UV coextruida que reduce los efectos de la intemperie, las láminas de policarbonato VULCAN ofrecen un rendimiento y una vida útil duraderos. Combining incredible strength and impact resistance for extra security plus co-extruded UV protection which reduces the effects of weathering, VULCAN Polycarbonate sheets offer long-lasting performance and lifespan. The VULCAN material guide of properties of polycarbonates sheets helps you learn about Vulcan’s products and details on the properties of polycarbonates.

Polycarbonate Properties Unveiled: Choose the Ideal VULCAN Product

polycarbonate properties unveiled
To have a better understanding of the material properties of polycarbonates, below is a brief introduction on how to choose the VULCAN product to correctly meet your requirements:

Maximum Natural Light Penetration

Valuview Clear / LiteGuide

Maximum Natural Light + Diffused Indirect Light Penetration

Valuview Opal/LiteGuide

Maximum Natural Light Penetration + Solar Infrared Heat Reduction

Solarshield Green/Blue IR-Cut

Shaded Light Penetration + Interference Color Reflection

Valuview Green/Blue/Bronze/Grey

Shaded Light Penetration + Interference Color Reflection + Solar Infrared Heat Reduction

Ti-Lite Blue/Green/Silver/Bronze

Shaded Light Penetration + PAR Selective + Solar Infrared Heat Reduction


Vulcan Polycarbonate Sheets Material Properties Comparison Table

Vulcan Polycarbonate Sheets Material Properties Comparison Table

Choose your Vulcan Polycarbonate Product

Máxima penetración de luz natural (3)

Reflexión del color de interferencia (2)

Reducción del calor infrarrojo solar (3)

Penetración de luz sombreada (3)

Radiación Fotosintéticamente Activa (PAR) Selectiva (1)

Penetración de luz indirecta difusa (2)


Weather Resistance
The ability of a material to prevent corrosion, loss of material or any sort of deterioration due to prolonged exposure to harsh environmental and weather conditions.

VULCAN Limited Warranty terms and conditions.

Visible Light Transmission Rate
The amount of light that reaches your eyes through the glazing material.

Permits light to pass directly through.

Permits light to pass through but not showing the distinct images on the other side.

Direct Lighting
When light falls on a specific area or an object.

Diffused Lighting
Non-direct light, the harsh quality of direct light beam is evenly spread or dispersed.

Shading (Lower VIS)
Slight darkness caused by blocking direct lighting from the sun or other light sources. It should not be confused with heat reduction.

IR Control
Only certain wavelengths of the Infrared heat spectrum are allowed to pass through.

Spectrally Selective
Only certain portions of the solar spectrum are allowed to pass through.