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Triplewall (Three Layer) Hollow Polycarbonate sheet

Triplewall Hollow Polycarbonate Sheet

Triple-wall hollow polycarbonate sheets are also known as three-wall or three-layer hollow polycarbonate sheets.

Triplewall Hollow Profile Introduction

The structure of a Triple-wall hollow polycarbonate sheet is basically two pieces of twin-wall (double wall) polycarbonate hollow sheets stacked together, which involves three layers of thin flat sheets which are connected by vertical ribs of the same material.

A Great Alternative to Solid Flat Sheets

Honeycomb hollow polycarbonate sheets can be seen as a light weight alternative to Solid Flat Polycarbonate Sheets. Its hollow structure makes the weight many times lighter compared to solid flat sheets at the same thickness, but retains the strength and structural integrity of polycarbonate sheets.

Additional Thermal Insulation Properties

Exceptional Thermal Insulation Properties without additional weight penalty compared to glass or other glazing material is where Polycarbonate Hollow Profile sheets really shine.  For example, VULCAN Polycarbonate 10mm Hollow sheets come in Double-wall Hollow, Double-wall Honeycomb, and Triple-wall profile types at the same thickness.  If a user wanted to upgrade from Double-wall Hollow to Honeycomb or Triple-wall types, accessories such as U-Profile and H-Profile connectors can be re-used.  The original structure does not require rebuilding or even reinforcements as the added weight is minimal, enough to be ignored.

Main Benefits

• Exceptional Thermal Insulation Properties
• Light Weight
• High Impact strength
• High Light transmission Rate
• Excellent Weathering Resistance
• Co-Extruded UV and Light Stabilizer Coating
• Easy to Handle, Install, and Maintain